So, I moved from Reno, NV to Denton, TX and here's the truth and the best explanation I have...
I am hurting, broken, and yet hopeful. I have hope in a God who has already won and wants to restore all things back to himself, including you and me. So when I began to realize that things were becoming mundane, that my soul was in termoil and I couldn't figure out why I cried...I tried to do everything people tell you to do to "fix" a broken heart. I got extremely involved at church and with friends, I was never home and was happy when I could distract myself. But when I got in my car, I cried...when I showered, I cried...whenever I was alone, I cried. I began to push God away because he was not making things happen in the way I felt was best and (of course) would bring Him the most glory.'s so funny how we think we have it all figured out. I put on a good face for everyone else and had all the right answers for the other women in my life but I began to get mad that God didn't seem to be who I knew him to be or who he says he is.
I want change, I want the pain to be gone, I want things to be fixed, and (here's the clincher) I want it all more than I want more of him. When I didn't get what I wanted, I pushed him away. soon as I realized that, I could easily say that was my breaking point. I knew something was wrong with ME, not with Him and that I needed to get my own soul right above all else. It is the only thing that matters.
I had been listening to a sermon podcast (that's sermons online through i-tunes, for all you old timers) from The Village Church in Texas for about 8 or 9 months, and the pastor, Matt Chandler along with a few other incredible teachers had mentioned a program they had at their church. It is called "Recovery at the Village" and they recommended that anyone who was a person (which is all of us) should go through this program. It deals with God's ability and desire to restore and give us victory over anything that is holding us back in life, from pride to anger, to addictions. We all have them, things that keep us from fully embracing life and abandoning ourselves to pursuing God's desires for our lives instead of our own.
So...basically, I emailed my amazing friend Katie on the day I thought I might lose it and she suggested I pray about moving to Texas and going to Recovery.(she listens to the podcast too) I thought she was crazy for about 10 minutes, then began to really pray about it. For a couple weeks, her and I were the only one's that knew I was considering it. And through many unexplainable circumstances and confirmations, I made the decision....why not right? Reno hadn't really felt like home for a long time and I knew it was time to leave, I just wasn't sure where. I had no husband, no kids, no pets, I wasn't even in a lease! And once the decision was made, I had total peace, total support and never looked back...
"Whether you are rooted in Christ or in your Flesh...your fruit will bear witness. Fear, anger, insecurity, frustration, trying to control, withdrawal, and more are all fruits of the Flesh." Michael Snetzer, The Village Church
"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness..." Galatians 5:22
If you only see the world as perfect, good and beautiful, I would say you
are ignorant of the suffering, injustice and evil that runs recklessly
12 years ago
I'm so excited to read about your journey! You are so brave! I miss you
Brittany Pitcher
i love you to death. i'm so excited to read this and keep up on your healing. i'm praying for you sister!
Oh Sister ...I miss you tons, but so incredibly excited for you and your new adventure. It's going to be exciting to read all about your new experiences.... Luv u and miss you!!! -Jody & JD
This is going to be a phenomenal journey.
Your "amazing" friend
This is pretty amazing reading your story. I moved from Reno to Coppell (just south of you) 7 years ago. I got saved down here while attending the Village; that's actually how I heard about you and your story. Hope your move has and will continue to grow you in Christ. Maybe we will run across each other one day at church.
Great to hear your inspiring story. I was shocked to read that you too came from Reno, NV. I was born and raised in Reno and moved here to North Dallas 3 years ago. It would be great to meet you sometime. It's not often I meet a fellow Nevadan around here. Which service do you attend? Drop me an e-mail. I'm at
See you
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