And now for everyone who wants to know where I'm working and where I'm living...this is probably the best story of God's provision yet!
I really felt strongly that I needed to work, live and do life in Denton. I was already driving to the church(which was an hour away from Arlington) three times a week and I just didn't want to continue to do that. I also knew that the friends and community I was going to begin to be involved with were all going to be in Denton. So, I had been in Arlington living with friends for almost two weeks and was not getting any responses from the jobs I had applied for near Denton. I got a few offers in the surrounding area but wasn't in any dire need so I turned them down and continued to wait for God to open the right door. I trusted, I had peace, I was totally ok.......until my bank account got really low. I began to get a little nervous and when a woman called me for an interview in a town called Irving, I said yes and scheduled an interview. I began to rationalize that I could live in the middle of Irving and Denton so it would only be about a 30 min drive either way. I went for the interview on a Friday and they asked me to come back for a second interview on Monday. I was a little discouraged on the way home, not usually the reaction when you are liked after an interview. :) So, I began to pray and realize that I was trying to take control and losing trust in what I felt God was saying to me all this time. I asked God to encourage me and let me know that he was still in control. When I woke up the next morning I received a call from a realtor in Denton. He asked me if I would interview with him Monday morning for an administrative assistant job. Then he told me that they were hoping to hire someone who was willing to relocate and live in a home they had recently remodeled and turned into a home/office. I kept it cool and told him I was definitely interested. I drove up to Denton that Monday and interviewed and before I got back home to Arlington, he had called and offered me the job. For those of you who are wondering...the amount I am "paying" out from my hourly compensation is nowhere near the amount that this living situation is worth. I have internet, cable, all utilities paid. The home is beautiful, fully furnished even in the kitchen with pots, pans, utensils and even spices! I didn't have to buy anything. He offered me the job on Monday and I moved in and started work that Wednesday! I am adjusting to working at home and there are a few things worth getting used to. I have no complaints, only praises! I only work 4 or 5 hours a day and I have the time to really spend with God and spend studying which is the whole reason why I am here. God truly took care of me, down to the details. There is no other explanation!
looks like there's plenty of room for me to come and stay!! =]
i loves you, afroha!
hope to talk to you soon.
...is that LOST or Grey's Anatomy on that TV??? I miss my Thursday nights with you.... Luv u Sister
I am so excited to see the works that God has done in your life!!!!
I have also been through the Recovery at the Village step study and God changed my life though this program! I was lost, didn't know who I was. I had a sexual addiction, and addiction to men. God healed me of these things and since then have recieved the gift of marriage and know who I am as a person. I now have been dealing with food and body issues but I know that healing of this life long battle will be healed through the power in Jesus! Keep up the hard work. God's Grace is amazing!
Whoo hoo!!!!
That is so awesome Stacy! I work in Local missions at the church and heard you were coming in and have been praying for you...what a great story the Lord has given you and this is only the beginning! Stay encouraged!
Stacy- you may not remember me but we went when you came to the Denton campus and I was watching the desk while the staff was in their meeting. You and your mom ended up meeting Beau Hughes and John Warren that day. I keep hearing all about you and I'm glad that you are journeying with God. If you are interested in attending a homegroup, ours meets the 2nd & 4th Tuesdays at 6:30pm- we are multi-generational. If I dont see you around maybe I will see you in Recovery- I plan to start in June. God works everything in his impecable timing and for His glory-what a bonus for us! Andra Sterzik
Stacy! How excitign to read of how God is providing for you! I continue to think and pray abotu you. God has laid you on my heart so I will continue too until otherwise:) I love it how when you gave up control God threw in everything you wanted and more! He's blessing your decisions Stacy, it's so obvious!
I hit your blog after the e-article from the Village. What a wonderful testimony! I loved reading it. I will check back often and hope to meet you some day. I will be praying for you.
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