I know very little about the weather here. All I really know is that if the wind is blowing real hard, it's hailing and the sky is turning a flourecent green, you should get to the lowest part of your home and sit in a bathtub. ha! Aside from the very slim chance that will happen, the thunderstorms here are incredible! I love thunder, I love lightning and I love warm rain. I could dance around or go running in that weather any day! I was driving around the other day doing some inspections and I drove through this storm. In two of the pictures you can even see what a cloud looks like when it starts to rotate and drop below the others. (Or so I was told, like I said, I don't know much about all this yet, oh and don't worry mom and dad, I didn't do anything stupid, I just have a really great zoom on my camera. Besides they are very common and almost never turn into a tornado.) ha :) Anyway, I was reminded of God's awsomeness and power. You can really feel his strength and control when in the midst of a storm that turns the sky black and bursts into light in a moment. Enjoy the pics!
Wow! You were right, those are cool pics! I can't wait to visit you and experience some of Texas! Hugs & Luvs -Your Sister who misses you tons-
i love pictures!!!
you should fly me out there so i can take pictures of crazy cool storms, too!!!
=] *hint hint*
we have lots to catch up on...
and by "lots" i really do mean A TON, even though i'll probably say "i don't know" next time you ask me to tell you about your life... sigh. i'm so predictable. teehee... anywho.
keep taking pictures... i love them, as i said before.
i luff you.
...to late ...you made mom and dad worry (we talked about your blog on Mother's Day) hehehehe
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